This afternoon I attempted to clean the kitchen using natural ingredients rather than store bought sprays and chemicals.

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My three main weapons of clean:
1. Vinegar (regular white)
2. Lemon juice
3. Baking soda
Because I didn't have an extra, empty spray bottle, I used a water bottle and made a mixture of vinegar and lemon juice (didn't measure, just eye-balled it). I then used this mixture to clean all the counters, table, and refrigerator. Using a sponge, I either poured a little of the mixture directly onto the surface to be cleaned or poured some on the sponge. It actually worked well! The lemon juice cut the powerful stench of vinegar, so it wasn't too nauseating a product with which to work. However, cleaning the microwave and getting my face all up in the tiny space was a little much.
The big test, however, came with the kitchen sink. Our sink gets these marks on it from cleaning pots and pans, and I was skeptical that anything other than the professional powders could get the marks off:
However, I sprinkled my trusty baking soda around the inside of the sink (I have read and heard from many sources that baking soda is a power cleaner), wet my sponge, and began to scour! The miracle: it actually worked! It required a bit more elbow grease to remove the marks than I have to apply when using the professional powders, but it was definitely worth it to know that I used a "natural" product. I didn't even feel like I had to immediately wash my hands before starting to prepare dinner!
Here is the sink after: